Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jake & Harry

Jake & Harry
This is a portrait of our two dogs. Jake's the boxer and Harry's the mixed. Jake recently died. He was 10.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Me as a Work of Art

Man Yells At River by ~CGodfrey on deviantART

This is a photo of me that my friend Corey took one day when he was out taking pictures for his portfolio and I was filming raw footage. I thinks it's a funny image and I think it's even funnier that Corey made it available as a print on DeviantArt. Thus sort of making me a work of art! (Not really but I'd like to think so.)

Anyway the print is available here.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Chronicle Demo Entries

These are some demo reels of stock footage that Shaun and I filmed. Shaun also edited and uploaded these. (Chronicle being the user name that we share on Vimeo of the stuff we worked together on.)






Friday, January 22, 2010

How Badly Could This End? Venture to the Vending Machine

How Badly Could This End? Venture to the Vending Machine

Episode Seven: Another old one I'm just now getting around to posting.

Thirsty? Be careful which selection you make.

This is defiantly the most likely of scenarios.

Check out more videos at:

How Badly Could This End? New Chair

How Badly Could This End? New Chair

Episode Six: Haven't posted one of these in a while. This is back from August that I'm just now getting to putting up here.

In the episode we learn that inanimate objects can have vendettas too.

Check out more videos at: